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new suvey reveals 69 percent of singles are confused over what, exactly, constitutes a "date." Dating has become quite complicated for millennials who have countless ways to communicate with their potential love interests at every second of the day. New apps and technology further complicate our relationship statuses. Should you be concerned if there's a different girl in your boyfriend's "Top 3" on Snapchat? What does it mean if the guy you've been seeing untags himself in your photo? How seriously can you take the person you met on Tinder? It's downright overwhelming to be in a relationship in the 21st century. It's no wonder we're wading through a massive, murky gray area when it comes to romance. Even worse, we begin to rely on digitized forms of communication instead of the real deal, dwelling comfortably behind a screen instead of sharing our feelings face to face.
What do you think? How can you preserve authenticity and avoid confusion in this digitized dating world?
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